Differences in Neuro-Imaging Techniques

MRI is a neuro-imaging technique that is designed to look at physical/anatomical structures of the brain. It has a temporal resolution of 2 seconds-which means it is too slow to measure neuro-function. Neuro function is a measure of how the brain thinks and the speed at which it processes information, which is in milliseconds.
CT Scan
CT Scan is a neuro-imaging technique. Similar to MRI, it shows brain structure and physiology, but with even less resolution than MRI, which means it is too slow to measure neuro-function.

PET and SPECT techniques measure metabolic activity within areas of the brain. These are gross measures, which means they are not detailed or specific measurements and cannot show neuro-function.
fMRI is similar to MRI, but measures anatomical brain engagement. In other words: How well does one anatomical brain system work with another brain system? However, although it has a faster resolution, it is also too slow to measure the detailed information processing function of the brain.

QEEG is a neuro-imaging technique that is fast enough to measure neuro-function down to 100th of a millisecond, which more closely approximates brain processing speed. These faster recordings allow clearer functional measurements of brain performance with regard to thinking and processing information.