Monitor EMDR transition states and effectiveness

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a recognized first-line treatment for psychological trauma and is a proven valid treatment for a wide range of emotionally laden applications including PTSD and anxiety.

The Clinical NueroCoach® Training System for Clinicians is specifically designed for therapists, clinicians, and medical/health facilities.  The NeuroCoach® Training System offers a Clinical Use Only Module for clinical providers and their clients based on diagnostic codes, therapeutic assessments, Predictive Analytics Report, NeuroCodex® evaluations, brain map and client history.

Clinicians who use the NeuroCoach® EMDR Module (real time EMDR Monitoring) are able to be more effective in their EMDR therapy sessions. This is due to NeuroCoach® EMDR Module’s ability to monitor the brain’s specific changes as it “relearns” or reprocesses the emotional event/s. This allows the client to discharge or clear the emotional trauma. Clinicians are able, by viewing brain response measurements, to ensure the brain has indeed processed the traumatic event such that it no longer contains the emotionally laden negative effect it once had.

Several neuroimaging investigations demonstrate EMDR’s effect on cortical and sub-cortical regions involved in trauma. Using EEG measures during an EMDR session, a clear association between the disappearance of symptoms and the normalization of brain changes has been shown (in real time) to involve the limbic system (emotions center) and the hyperarousal system responsible for many clinical symptoms. Changes in these events can be monitored using the NeuroEval monitoring function employed by the NeuroCoach® Clinical system. 

The exact mechanism of EMDR therapy is still unspecified but theorized to favor memory reconsolidation. This allows new learning to occur by the discharge from the emotional load, which was causing the traumatic emotional pain. The NeuroCoach® EMDR Monitoring Module was designed to monitor and report to the clinician the various stages of the brain’s specific changes as it reprocesses the traumatic event.

Several theories have been proposed for EMDR. The Theory of neural Cognition (TnC), for instance, proposes Hebbian synaptic plasticity (long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) involvement). This process can be monitored using the NeuroCoach Training System. TnC theory suggests that new learning is mediated by EMDR’s bilateral alternating stimulations (BAS) to modify the neural traces of a traumatic memory as it recreates a new stable memory network. In EMDR, this process (trauma recall and BAS) is repeated several times until a totally cleared (unemotional) memory is achieved. This results in a shift in the amygdala’s involvement in the traumatic memory towards a cognitive representation of the event discharged from the previously associated strong negative feeling.

See additional Peer Reviewed Articles:

The Use of Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy in Treating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder—A Systematic Narrative Review Front Psychol. 2018; 9: 923. 

Published online 2018 Jun 6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00923

The Role of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy in Medicine: Addressing the Psychological and Physical Symptoms Stemming from Adverse Life Experiences  Perm J. 2014 Winter; 18(1): 71–77. 

doi: 10.7812/TPP/13-098

Integrating neurobiology of emotion regulation and trauma therapy: reflections on EMDR therapy Rev Neurosci 2017 May 24;28(4):431-440. DOI: 10.1515/revneuro-2016-0070

We currently work with EMDR Centers and other Medical Facilities in conjunction with appropriate therapeutic professionals to provide enhancement and improvements in the following cognitive domains:

General Cognitive Abilities



Task Motivation

Task Engagement

Cognitive Load

Information Recall

Cognitive Fatigue

Attention Accuracy

Inhibitory Processing Speed (Distractions)

Inhibitory Control Accuracy

Decision Making

Relapse Control

With the aid of a Brain Computer Interface (BCI), NTLgroups NeuroCoach® Training System along with the Predictive Analytics Report (PAR) we can assist both the therapist and individual during sessions to understand and see how their brain is performing and functioning “in the moment”.  The PAR gives the therapist insights into where their client feels (subjectively) they are regarding cognitive brain health and what the (objective) cognitive evaluation indicates.  This tool then allows the integration and targeting of specific brain systems to be repaired and strengthened.

These gauges provide instant visual feedback and insight into how that individual’s brain is performing during each task, which in turns strengthens and increases cognitive performance.

Our Process

Part 1: Map the Brain

The NeuroEval™ and NeuroCodex® Analysis is a proprietary process that identifies dysfunctional areas of the brain through neuro-electric imaging methods and modalities. The analysis utilizes evidence-based methods and tools to define as precisely as possible an individual’s brain function.

Part 2: Exercise the brain

The NeuroCoach® Training System is a proprietary hardware/software program that uses 2, 8 or 32 channel dry or wet sensors secured in a cap and placed on the head. These sensors align to specific areas of the brain for targeted brain function exercises.

Part 3: Achieve and refine results

The NTL CogCheck™ evaluator provides a comprehensive set of measures needed to yield insight into how the brain is operating under task and activity. The proprietary metrics provide a framework for developing and implementing an evidence-based individualized training program.

Peer Reviewed Articles

Improved Mild Closed Head Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes

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Improving Psychological Resilience with Cognitive Retraining Methods

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Science Publishing Group

Improved Sobriety Rates after Remediation Training

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Proven results

IQ increases 15-18 points
Cognitive Efficiency increases 12-17 points
Depression Markers increase 25-35 points
Distractibility increases 15-20 points
Focus increases 15-20 points
Memory increases 15-35 points
Stress Markers increase 15-20 points
Relapse Markers increase 15-35 points

How coaches, trainers and clinicians can help their clients

A NeuroEngineered Approach to looking “inside” your client’s brain functions.

Cutting edge technology, tools, and programs help sort out issues that affect your clients. From the technologically advanced NeuroEval to reports generated based on that data, you can help your client through targeted engagement.

Whether you’re a therapist treating anxiety, depression or addiction or you’re a coach creating protocols to remediate concussions, NTLgroup can give you the systems to help your clients improve their lives and heal more effectively. Learn more about how NTLgroup can help your business.

We offer a no-cost entry program based on client sign up.
Call us if you are interested. 

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