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Brain Enhancement
Elite Brain Performance
Enhance & Optimize Brain Performance
Brain Repair
Brain Repair Program
Identify and Repair
Create Customized Treatments
Create Customized Brain Repair Therapies
Create Customized Tools for Clinicians
Monitor EMDR
Enhance & Repair Memory
Our Process/Programs
Who We Are
Curtis Cripe, PhD.
Client Comments
Brain Organization
Brain Plasticity
NewSpace Research
FAQ Videos
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NeuroImaging Techniques
Restorative BCI-CRT Method
Cognitive Control Networks
NeuroCoach Training System
Predictive Behavioral Measures
Neuro-Imaging Techniques
FAQ Videos
FAQ Videos
How is NeuroCoach different from NeuroFeedback?
What are the common misconceptions about NeuroCoach?
How Does NeuroCoach help with Anxiety and Depression?
Describe NeuroCoach
Do you have to do NeuroCoach for life? How many sessions? How long?
Are there brain-based issues that NeuroCoach is limited in its effectiveness?
How does NeuroCoach work with TBI?
Does NeuroCoach work effectively with the 12-step program?
Will NeuroCoach work within a harm reduction framework?
How will the patient/client know when they are done?
What improvement can NeuroCoach provide for memory deficits vs. Alzheimer’s?
How does NeuroCoach work with ADHD?
What is the difference between the Enhanced and Elite NeuroCoach Program?
What is the Enhanced Brain Performance NeuroCoach Program?
NeuroEval / NeuroCodex
What is the NeuroCodex Eval?
How Does the NeuroEval differ from QEEG EO/EC?
How does the NeuroCodex Evaluation differ from PET, MRI, fMRI, CT
What is PAR (Predictive Analytics Report)
How does NeuroCodex work with TBI?
How does NeuroCodex work with Memory?
Can NeuroCodex evaluation differentiate between memory deficits and dementia?
Are there specific ADD/ADHD markers that can be identified through the NeuroCodex evaluation?
Describe Cogcheck
How Does NC work in conjunction with EMDR?
How does NeuroCoach and EMDR co-work with PTSD?
How does NeuroCoach and EMDR co-work with Eating Disorders
How does NeuroCoach and EMDR co-work with Addictions?
What are the longer lasting benefits of NeuroCoach and EMDR?
Anxiety / Depression
How Does NeuroCoach help with Anxiety and Depression?
What is PAR (Predictive Analytics Report
Elite / Enhanced Performance
Talk about Elite Performance
What is the difference between the Enhanced and Elite NeuroCoach Program?
Sports Elite Program
Soccer Elite Program
How does the Enhanced Brain Sports Program differ from sport to sport?
Technology and Therapist
Does this technology take the place of the therapist?
Does NTL technology offer the therapist advantages for client care?
What should facilities expect from this program and technology?
Does NeuroCoach work effectively with the 12-step program?
Will NeuroCoach work within a harm reduction framework?
How will the patient/client know when they are done?
What is the difference between TBI and concussion?
How does NeuroCodex work with TBI?
How does NeuroCoach work with TBI?
How does NeuroCodex work with Memory?
What defines memory deficits?
Can NeuroCodex differentiate between memory deficits and dementia?
What improvement can NeuroCoach provide for memory deficits vs. Alzheimer’s?
What are the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s?
Brain Damage and Trauma
What is brain damage?
What types of repair does NTL technology look at?
Does the brain know the difference between different types of trauma?
Can these various traumas manifest as behavioral issues?
Can NeuroCodex evaluate the level of brain damage?
Does this technology take the place of the therapist?
Are there specific ADD/ADHD markers that can be identified through the NeuroCodex evaluation?
If a client is on ADD/ADHD medication, can the medication be reduced or possibly eliminated with remediation?
Chemo Brain / Lymes Disease
How does NeuroCodex and NeuroCoach work with Chemo Brain?
How does NeuroCoach work with Lymes Desease?
Aging Brain
What about the normal aging brain?
Does NTL have testimonials on outcomes?
Do you only use 10% of your brain?
Brain systems that NTL technology and processes engage
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